This amazing girl has done it all! And how could she not when she exemplifies the breed standard with her perfect structure, her physical excellence and beautiful black pigment.
She has earned her Canadian Championship title as well as her AKC Championship title, she easily completed the AKC Canine Good Citizen class and earned that title along with a Trick Dpg title. She earned her AKC Junior Hunt Title as well as her Working Certificate. I don't think there is anything this girl can not accomplish.
And if all of that's not enough, she is the sweetest, sassiest, funniest member or our household and keeps up laughing on a daily basis with her silly Labrador antics. She is our class clown and we couldn't lover her more. She is the first to pick up on any hint of one of her humans having had a rough day and will smother you with wet kisses until your troubles melt away.
Dory's favorite things are retrieving, going on adventures, her humans and food.